Golden Falcon Quality Register System Dubai

Cockroaches Pest Control - Organic & Chemical

Cockroaches Pest Control Experts - Cockroaches are a diverse group, but their behavior is known primarily from laboratory studies of household pests. The cockroaches are an ancient group, with ancestors originating during the Carboniferous period, some 300-350 million years ago. The pests lay cases of 10 to 50 eggs in warm, humid, and secluded spots of homes and businesses. You may find these small, leathery capsules. One Cockroach can produce 300 eggs in a year. If 40 Cockroaches ? It's Can Produce 12,000 Cockroaches.

Types of Cockroaches

Mainly Two types of Cockroaches – German & American Species found in United Arab Emirates. Some places in Dubai fund of Oriental Cockroaches.

Cockroaches Pest Control
1. German Cockroaches Control

The German cockroach is the most common cockroach species found worldwide. Adult German cockroaches are recognized by their light brown to tan coloring with two dark. German Cockroaches love to live in human.

Cockroaches Pest Control
2. American Cockroaches Control

American cockroaches are reddish-brown in color with a yellow band. Both males and females have wings and can fly short distances. American Cockroaches love to live in Drainage & Manhole Ares.

Signs of Cockroaches

Here are some simple ways you can identify a cockroach. If you looking like to Cockroach droppings, Smear marks, Egg capsules (Ootheca), Shed skin, Damage, Unusual odour, Live cockroaches. Then you should have contact a professional Cockroaches Pest Control Company.

Precaution & Prevention:

1. Eliminate food sources. Cockroaches are amazing scavengers. 2. Clean. As with other forms of pest prevention, one of the best ways to reduce the risk of accumulating a cockroach problem is keeping kitchens and food handling and storage areas clean. 3. Maintenance

Treatments Procedure

Treatment procedure depends on a professional cockroaches pest control Experts. But Dubai Municipality given some approved medicine list. It's can solve your problems.

Cockroaches Pest Control
Spray Treatment
Cockroaches Pest Control
Gel Treatment
Cockroaches Pest Control
Glue Board Treatment

Cockroaches Pest Control Spray treatment is the quick solution, if you have many cockroaches. But it’s not permanent solution, if some cockroaches is coming from outside areas after 2 or 3 months later. Cockroaches Pest Control Gel treatment is a bait treatment, It’s will be working till it’s become dry. It’s may be permanent solution for you. Cockroaches Pest Control Glue treatment, if you don’t like to Chemical & Organic gel treatment, you can try with glue board. It’s also can be solve your problems but required maximum time.

Do You Know Facts?

Cockroaches can make food anything, even with water. German roaches can survive a month without food & American roaches more than 3 months. A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes.